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It’s lonely at the Top – but it shouldn’t be.

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As the Owner, CEO, or President of a company, you spend countless hours leading and caring for your team. You dream, plan, strategize, resolve, challenge, and lead the way – all the time. However, as you pour your heart and soul into those around you, who is pouring back into you?

No one has time to do everything they want, but great leaders choose to invest in things that generate the best results toward their goals. Often, they neglect to invest in themselves, and this leads to overload, frustration, a loss of vision for your company, and stagnant growth.

Most of the high-impact leaders we know are very busy. However, the best leaders know they can never allow themselves to become too busy to invest back into themselves. Stephen Covey talked about this when he documented the habits of “highly-effective” people. His research revealed the practice of “Sharpening the Saw.” Yes, it takes time, but our effectiveness increases more than enough to offset the time investment. If we’re too busy to learn, we’re too busy to lead.

It’s OK to ask for Help

Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines has done amazing things in his career. He is a dreamer who acts on his dreams to get them done – even the dream of going into space! He’s an unconventional risk taker who leads with his heart and his mind. Yet he understands the value of accountability and support to help great leaders avoid mistakes.

“You will need advice on how to improve your business, beginning on the first day, and throughout the rest of your career. The problem that many entrepreneurs face is getting too involved in their work, which means running the risk of losing sight of the target they first set out to achieve. Or perhaps things could go the other way, with tunnel vision setting in. It’s important that you’re able to take a step back and look at what the competition is doing, assess how your product or service is developing and take stock.” (clicking the photo to read more)

Who has your back?

Most Top Executives already know what they need to do but they struggle to execute. You create the dream, you lay out the plan, you have the desire, but it doesn’t get done because you lack money, time, or people to do it. (sometimes all three)

All great leaders need a team around them to motivate them toward Excellence. You also need a place where you can go to share the confidential thoughts and issues you face as the final decision maker. This is why Renaissance Executive Forums brought their Peer Group model to Dallas.

Renaissance Executive Forums has served thousands of company Owners, CEOs, and Presidents since 1994 and our over 1500 members tell us that these peer groups allow them to:

We meet as a group of Top Executives for a half day, once a month here in the Metroplex. We also have quarterly one-on-one follow-up meetings at your office, and once a year, we get away for a Strategies for Success weekend with our spouses. Our goal is to help you reach your professional and personal goals, and lead your company with Excellence.


A Top Executive Peer Group will only work for leaders who are passionate enough about reaching their dreams, dedicated enough to invest time in themselves, and humble enough to admit they want some support. It is lonely at the top but you are not alone. Contact me any time to learn more at (469) 269 – 5148 or

Want MORE? 

by Robert Hunt Forum Leader

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